Teams and Organizations

We are an international community of practice that embraces learning in multiple forms across diverse groups 

Learn about the TRANSECTS partnership from our Program Director, Dr. Maureen Reed, and Co-Director (Canada), Dr. James Robson.

Our Partnership

TRANSECTS boasts an exceptional, international team of researchers and partners from Canada, Germany, and South Africa, with representatives from academia, Indigenous and rural communities, UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, governing agencies, international networks, and private and civil society organizations and foundations. 
Eureta Rosenberg (TRANSECTS Country Co-Director) tells us about the value of being a part of the TRANSECTS network.
Our team is made up of academics from Canada, Germany and South Africa who work closely with practitioner-partners in UNESCO Biosphere Reserves – an international network of model regions, designated to conserve biocultural diversity, advance sustainable development, and enhance local capacity for sustainability research, learning, and practice. More specifically, scholars come from the University of Saskatchewan and Vancouver Island University (Canada), Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development and Leuphana University (Germany), Rhodes University and University of Cape Town (South Africa). Additionally, local partners in each country include Biosphere Region practitioners and First Nations; while national partners include Indigenous, educational, and professional organizations.  