Micro-Credentials and Continuing Education Courses

Beyond increasing access to a more diverse cohort, engaging with practitioners in micro-credentials allows students and instructors to learn about real-world and real-time challenges and expands students’ professional networks. 

Check out our upcoming offerings for more information!

Previously offered:

Foundations in Science Communication (Mar-Apr 2022)

Foundations in Collaborative Research (Jan-Feb 2023) in partnership with The Resilience Institute. Read more here!

TRANSECTS now has a draft continuing education framework, intended to complement other offerings (e.g. the foundational course, TILLs, and program institutes) as part of a diverse training portfolio. Emerging out of workshops, discussions, and student surveys, the framework identifies key professional skills (e.g. leadership for engagement, working in transdisciplinary teams, communicating to diverse audiences) across three main categories: preparing to do collaborative work, facilitating collaborative work, and knowledge mobilization. Dr. Garrett Richards, who is working with TRANSECTS as a Transdisciplinary Sustainability Specialist while on sabbatical leave from his permanent position at the Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador, will be taking the lead on further development and implementation of the framework. The ultimate goal is to have professional skills modules and materials permanently available online, perhaps as part of the TRANSECTS Resource Platform, to supplement learning in other venues and sustain the "legacy" of TRANSECTS beyond the initial grant period.