COURSE 1: Introduction to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

Dates: 4 June–9 July 2024
Delivery Mode:
Online, with some online synchoronous meeting times

Cost: $1500 CAD + taxes

Instructor: Palash Sanyal, GCB.D, PMP

Who should take this course?

This 6-week course is ideal for business leaders, sustainability practitioners, investors, young professionals, and students who are interested in understanding the nuances of environmental, social, and goverance (ESG) factors that are increasingly important in industry.

What will the course cover?

This course begins with a briefing of the core ESG concepts and their relevance to businesses and management. As the course progresses, students delve into the merits, limitations, and distinguishing features of ESG integration and reporting. Key stakeholders in ESG will be identified along with an understanding of their influence. Further, the course explores the regulatory landscape, the identification of ESG risks and opportunities, and the emerging trends and future developments in ESG factors.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand core ESG concepts and their relevance to businesses and management
  • Explore the integration and reporting of ESG, including merits, limitations, and stakeholder impacts
  • Identify ESG risks and opportunities, along with regulatory landscapes and future trends


The course is broken down into six modules, each focusing on a different aspect of ESG and ending with an assessment to evaluate understanding and application. Notional hours per module range from 10 to 15 hours (per week), and assessments include various formats like group discussion forums, written assignments, interactive group exercises, quizzes, and a final project.


  • Briefing on ESG Concepts and Relevance
  • Understanding ESG Factors
  • Stakeholders in ESG
  • Regulatory Landscape of ESG
  • Identifying ESG Risks and Opportunities
  • Future Developments and Trends in ESG

Contact for more information.

COURSE 2: Sustainability Disclosure, Standards, and Reporting

Dates: information coming soon

Delivery Mode: Online, with some online synchoronous meeting times

Cost: $1500 CAD + taxes

Instructor: Palash Sanyal, GCB.D, PMP

Who should take this course?

Business leaders, sustainability professionals, investors, and students should consider this 6-week course to gain expertise in sustainability disclosure and reporting.

What will the course cover?

The course introduces the concept of sustainability disclosure and reporting before providing an overview of sustainability reporting standards and frameworks. Students will learn how to measure sustainability performance effectively. The course will also cover best practices in sustainability reporting, verification, assurance, and regulatory compliance. Finally, the course will examine the benefits of sustainability reporting and its future trends.

Learning Objectives

  • Gain expertise in sustainability disclosure and the overview of reporting standards and frameworks
  • Learn to measure sustainability performance and understand best practices in reporting and disclosure
  • Examine verification, assurance, regulatory compliance, benefits of sustainability reporting, and future trends


This course consists of six modules, each ending with an assessment for evaluation. Notional hours for each module are between 10 and 15 (per week). Assessments include class discussions, written assignments, quizzes, group exercises, case studies, and a final research project.


  • Introduction to Sustainability Disclosure and Reporting
  • Overview of Sustainability Reporting Standards and Frameworks
  • Measuring Sustainability Performance
  • Best Practices in Sustainability Reporting and Disclosure
  • Verification, Assurance, and Regulatory Compliance
  • Evaluate the Benefits of Sustainability Reporting and Its Future

Contact for more information.