
Welcome to the Graduate Student Symposium! This event is a chance for SENS students to present their work, using either the 3-minute thesis format, a longer (10 min) in-person talk, or a poster presentation. 

Presentations are judged on their quality and clarity by SENS faculty, staff, students, and guests, and the top choices are awarded a small prize (and bragging rights). After watching the students' presenations, please use this judging form to score them. 

The symposium will be a hybrid event, held in-person in rooms 2C61 and 2E83 of the Agriculture building (51 Campus Drive, Saskatoon; view map) and via Zoom. Zoom links for each part of the symposium can be found in the schedule below. There is paid parking available in the parkade underneath the Agriculture building (view map), and there is direct access to the building directly from the parkade.

After the symposium, please join us for a pizza celebration in the Agriculture atrium from 4pm to 5pm. 


August 29, 2024

Please note that all activities before the coffee break (i.e., from 9:00-10:15 AM) can be viewed online using this Zoom meeting link.




9:00-9:15 AM



9:15-9:20 AM


Welcome from SENS

Doug Clark, Executive Director (Acting)

Jim Robson, Assistant Director Academic (External) and Graduate Studies Chair

9:20-9:40 AM


Opening of the Symposium

Elder Julie Pitzel

9:40-10:00 AM


Keynote address 

Andrea Lafond, CEO of Meewasin Valley Authority

10:00-10:15 AM


Alumni speech

Pablo Rodriguez, Senior Climate Resiliency Specialist, Climate Risk Institute (MWS alumnus)

10:15-10:45 AM

Outside 2C61

Coffee Break

10:45 AM-12:15 PM

2C61 (1A)
2E83 (1B)

Sessions 1A and 1B: Presentations (in-person and online; see schedule below for Zoom links)

Please use this judging form to score the presentations.

12:15-1:15 PM

Agriculture Atrium

Lunch (served in room 1E80, by back entrance of atrium) 

1:15-2:45 PM

2C61 (2A)
2E83 (2B)

Sessions 2A and 2B: Presentations (in-person and online; see schedule below for Zoom links)

Please use this judging form to score the presentations.

2:45-3:30 PM

Agriculture Atrium

Session 3: Posters (in-person only)

3:30-4:00 PM

Agriculture Atrium

Awards and wrap up

Dr. Andrew Ireson, Chair of the Engagement Committee

4:00-5:00 PM

Agriculture Atrium

Pizza celebration

Session schedule

Session 1A: Master of Water Security; Master of Sustainability, Energy Security (AG 2C61, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM; Chair: Andrew Ireson)

Join or re-join this session online at any time using this Zoom meeting link.

Presentation formats:

  • 10 Minute Presentation (10min)
  • Three-Minute Thesis (3MT)


Student Title Supervisor(s) and Partner(s)

Ravi Vinasithamby

Evaluating groundwater documents and data for developing a long-term monitoring plan for Gunnar Mine

Andrew Ireson (SENS)

Saskatchewan Research Council

Chantelle Grafton Determinants of resilience in the eastern Rocky Mountains watersheds

Andrew Ireson (SENS)

Brandi Newton (Alberta Environment and Protected Areas)

Chris Spence (ECCC)

10min (online)
Brian Hamilton Stormflow response and recession of preferential groundwater flow paths

Andrew Ireson (SENS)

Jay Jones (EVR)

3MT (online)
Ashish Bhandari Investigating the impact of lookup tables on hydrologic model simulations

Andrew Ireson (SENS)

Wouter Knoben (University of Calgary)

3MT (online)
Abigail Sheila Larley Lartey Regina's transition to circular economy - Textiles: An assessment of the existing landscape of post-consumer textiles in Regina

Oscar Zapata (SENS)

Natalie Cretsi-Bacolas (City of Regina, Waste Diversion Division)

Ericka Bourlon (City of Regina, Waste Diversion Division)

Jarrett Merasty Assessing for improvement the efficacy and utility of the World Wide Fund toolkit: Renewables for Nature

Jim Robson (SENS)

World Wide Fund for Nature

Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities

First Nations Power Authority

Mohammad Nure Alam Canadian carbon mandates: Implications and goals for Staples Canada

Hayley Hesseln (College of Agriculture and Bioresources, USask)

Jacqueline Boyes (Staples Canada)

10min (online)
Brandi Rink Traditional medicinal plants of the Redberry Lake Biosphere Region

Vladimir Kricsfalusy (SENS)

Ian King (Redberry Lake Biosphere Region)

John Kindrachuk (Redberry Lake Biosphere Region)

3MT (online)

Session 1B: Master of Sustainability, Energy Security (AG 2E83, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM; Chair: Elaina Guilmette)

Join or re-join this session online at any time using this Zoom meeting link.

Presentation formats:

  • 10 Minute Presentation (10min)
  • Three-Minute Thesis (3MT)



Supervisor(s) and Partner(s)


Mitchell Bauche 

A review and recommendations for Saskatoon's solar PV self-generation program

Martin Boucher (Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, USask)

Jose Cheruvallath (Saskatoon Light & Power)


Camille Galloway and Kelsey Sereda-Carlson

Demonstrating the practicality of renewable energy to improve Northlands College wellbeing through a CBA (Cost-Benefit Analysis)

Oscar Zapata (SENS)

Northlands College


Jody Linklater

Empowering Futures: The Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation sustainable housing and trades initiative pathway

Elaina Guilmette (SENS)


Edward Ejike Mba

IVEL complementary guidebook for high school teachers on inculcating Indigenous knowledge on energy literacy curriculum framework for high school science education in Saskatchewan, Canada

Elaina Guillemette (SENS)

First Nations Power Authority 


Sarah Thorenton & Aubrey-Anne Laliberte-Pewapisconias 

Indigenous Voices for Energy Literacy (IVEL)

Elaina Guilmette (SENS)

Guy Lonechild (First Nations Power Authority) 


Session 2A: PhD and Masters in Environment and Sustainability (AG 2C61, 1:15 - 2:45 PM; Chair: Helen Baulch)

Join or re-join this session online at any time using this Zoom meeting link.

Presentation formats:

  • 10 Minute Presentation (10min)
  • Three-Minute Thesis (3MT)



Supervisor(s) and Partner(s)


James Villeneuve

Estimating the population size and habitat of the threatened Plains Sucker (Pantosteus jordani) in an ephemeral Creek in southwest Saskatchewan

Tim Jardine (SENS)


Mohammed Abubakari

Farming Elsewhere: How migration shapes the Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) of smallholder farmers in Ghana

Jim Robson (SENS)


Sergio Alejandro Gomez Munoz

Correlating ice-jam formation with ice-cover cracks using space-borne radar imagery for the lower Churchill River (Labrador)

Karl-Erich Lindenschmidt (SENS)


Alana Muenchrath

Permafrost-hydrology interactions in the taiga shield

Andrew Ireson (SENS)

Environment and Climate Change Canada


Jon MacDonald

Trajectories of transformation in Canadian Prairie food systems

Helen Baulch (SENS)

Phil Loring (Nature Conservancy)

3MT (online)

Katarina Duke

(Re)storying wetland relations: Exploring myth as a path for water security and well-being

Graham Strickert (SENS)

Prairie Water

3MT (online)

Rasa Moeini

Ice-jam flood risk assessment and mitigation framework using system dynamics

Karl-Erich Lindenschmidt (SENS)


Session 2B: Master of Sustainability, Energy Security (AG 2E83, 1:15 - 2:45 PM; Chair: Markus Brinkmann)

Join or re-join this session online at any time using this Zoom meeting link.

Presentation formats:

  • 10 Minute Presentation (10min)
  • Three-Minute Thesis (3MT)
Student Title Supervisor and Partner(s) Format
Amber Polson   Power system impact studies: A framework for translation Michael Ross (Northern Energy Innovation, Yukon University) 10min (online)
Asimina Papadatos  A decommissioning proposal plan for the 5MW solar farm in Watson Lake, Yukon

Elaina Guilmette (SENS)

Michael Ross (Northern Energy Innovation, Yukon University)

Oscar Gomez (First Kaska)

10min (online)
Ty Roberts Solar feasibility and community building retrofits

Elaina Guilmette (SENS)

Jean-Michel Devink (Aries Environmental Consulting Services)

Michael Daciw (EVOLVsolar)

10min (online)
Steve Sousa

Kivalliq hydro-fibre project - Connecting the North to Canada’s cleaner energy grid

Xiaodong Liang (College of Engineering, USask)

Nukik Corporation

3MT (online)
Dmytro Merkulov

Qammaq housing project: A sustainable housing solution for Arctic

Oscar Zapata (SENS)

Alex Cook (ArchTech)

10min (online)

Session 3: Posters (Agriculture atrium, 2:45 - 3:30 PM; Chair: Colin Whitfield)

Poster presentations will take place in the atrium (ground floor entry hall) of the Agriculture building. 

Student Title Supervisor(s) and Partner(s)
Mina Papadatos  Decommissioning options for First Kaska's 5MW solar farm in Watson Lake, Yukon

Elaina Guilmette (SENS)

Michael Ross (Northern Energy Innovation, Yukon University)

Oscar Gomez (First Kaska)

Anna Elliott (she/her) Climate Resilient Affordable Housing

Colin Whitfield (SENS)

Erin Placatka (City of Saskatoon)

Ines Sanchez-Rodriguez  Why do we need to cross the knowledge boundaries?

Graham Strickert (SENS)

Peoples of Saskatchewan River Delta

Elham Shahbazi & Shadi Zarei Green roof design testing and modelling for hydrological performance – System dynamic modelling by AnyLogic

Jeff McDonnell (SENS)

Mike Mecredi Renewable reconciliation

Elaina Guilmette (SENS)