Executive Director (Interim) of SENS receives prestigious SETAC Fellows Award
The Distinguished Professor is one of 10 Canadian Fellows, 78 globally
By Megan Evans
The School of Environment and Sustainability (SENS) Executive Director (Interim), Dr. Karsten Liber, was awarded the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Fellows Award at the SETAC North America 40th Annual Meeting in Toronto in early November 2019. Liber was one of 4 honourees, all long-time members who have made significant contributions to environmental science as well as to SETAC.
“It’s always exciting to be nominated. I don’t take anything for granted,” Liber says of receiving the award. “This award and SETAC mean a lot to me, especially because of the many great people I’ve gotten to know through my many years of involvement with SETAC.”
Dr. Liber has been a member of SETAC since 1987 when he was a Ph.D., student, has served on the SETAC North America Board of Directors (2012-2017) and was President of SETAC NA in 2015-16. The Fellows Award provides recognition of the work he has contributed to both SETAC itself and to the discipline of environmental toxicology. Dr. Liber joins the ranks of 77 other Fellows worldwide.