School of Environment and Sustainability

Research Area(s)

  • River deltas as complex social-ecological systems
  • Freshwater food webs and contaminant biomagnification in aquatic ecosystems
  • Land-water and river-ocean connectivity
  • Tropical floodplain hydrology and ecology
  • Applications of stable isotope analysis in ecology

Academic Credentials

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, University of New Brunswick
  • Master of Science in Biology, University of New Brunswick
  • Honours Bachelor of Science in Biology, Dalhousie University

Selected Publications

Pettit, N.E., Naiman, R.J., Warfe, D.M., Jardine, T.D., Douglas, M.M., Bunn, S.E., and Davies, P.M.  2017.  Productivity and connectivity in tropical riverscapes of northern Australia: Ecological insights for management. Ecosystems, 20: 492-514.

Walters, D.M., Jardine, T.D., Cade, B., Kidd, K.A., Muir, D.C.G., Leipzig-Scott, P.  2016.  Trophic magnification of organic chemicals - a global synthesis. Environmental Science and Technology, 50: 4650-4658.

Jardine, T.D., Woods, R., Marshall, J., Fawcett, J., Lobegeiger, J., Valdez, D., and Kainz, M.J.  2015. Reconciling the role of organic matter pathways in aquatic food webs by measuring multiple tracers in individuals.  Ecology, 96: 3257-3269.

Jardine, T.D., Bond, N.R., Burford, M.A., Kennard, M.J., Ward, D.P., Bayliss, P., Davies, P.M., Douglas, M.M., Hamilton, S.K., Melack, J.M., Naiman, R.J., Pettit, N.E., Pusey, B.J., Warfe, D.M., and Bunn, S.E.  2015.  Does flood rhythm drive ecosystem responses in tropical riverscapes?  Ecology, 96: 684-692.

Jardine, T.D., Hadwen, W.L., Hamilton, S.K., Hladyz, S., Mitrovic, S.M., Kidd, K.A., Tsoi, W.Y., Spears, M., Westhorpe, D.P., Fry, V.M. and Sheldon, F., 2014. Understanding and overcoming baseline isotopic variability in running waters. River Research and Applications30(2), pp.155-165.